No one can argue that a houseplant or two will light up a room. Any interior designer will tell you that plants are integral to creating a warm and inviting space, which is what most of us want for our home. Plus, researchers have shown us that bringing nature into the home makes us happier and healthier. So, houseplants in the home is a no-brainer.

But we live busy lives. And most of us have had the experience of buying a lovely houseplant and then watching it die because we don’t have the time for it. For many, this puts them off ever buying one again. And this means they miss out on the aesthetic and health benefits of having plants in the home.
Well, I’ve got some good news. There are many plants out there that are really easy to look after, even for someone as busy as you. So, I’ve put together a few of the best low maintenance plants for a busy household.
Where to put your plant…
If you are thinking about getting a plant for a very specific place in your house then think about the conditions of the space. Does it get direct sunlight or not? If it’s a windowsill, it helps to know what direction it is facing. Is it a draughty spot, or near to a radiator?
Most plant labels will tell you the ideal conditions for the plant. It should tell you how much light, water, and nutrients it needs, as well as general care instructions. Plus, if you buy from a garden centre or nursery, the staff should be able to answer any queries about any plant!
When buying, only look for shapely specimens that are strong, healthy, and vigorous. These should settle in well to their new surroundings.

Tough vine plants like ivies or Cissus antartica the ‘Kangaroo vine’ can cope with a bit of manhandling and fluctuating temperatures. And in return, they make wonderful, no-fuss houseplants. You can stick them in a shady corner or on top of shelf or cabinet and they will be fine.
Monstera deliciosa ‘Swiss Cheese Plant’
This is a gorgeous plant with its signature ‘holy’ foliage. Originally from the warm climes of Mexico and Panama, it loves getting cosied up in a British living room. Just give it partial shade and instantly bring the feel of the tropics to your home.

Leafy Favourites…
Other easy plants that will give your room a botanical burst are old school favourites like Aspidistra, also known as the ‘cast iron plant’. This plant thrives with little attention.
Dracaena is also undemanding and has dramatic strap-like leaves, often with red and yellow variegation on stems. These can reach up to 1.8m tall!
A classic parlour palm has a really friendly vibe, is really easy to care for, and is a superb way to brighten up any space.
A touch of the tropical…
A relative newcomer to the easy-care indoor plant world is the interesting Zanzibar gem, Zamioculcas zamiifolia. This is often called ‘ZZ plant’. It looks a lot like the tropical cycad called ‘cardboard palm’, but has thick, fleshy, naturally glossy leaves. It thrives in living room conditions but hates a lot of water.

Peace Lilies…
Peace lilies, which produce white, cupped “spathes” with a pronounced finger-like spadix, are outstanding for removing airborne contaminants. Plus, they can live for many years on little more than occasional watering and feeding. And bromeliads are bold-looking plants that won’t ask for much in return – you simply keep their ‘vases’ of cupped leaves filled. Then you can forget about them!

Cacti and Succulents…
The ultimate no-care plants are today’s trendy cacti and succulents. They are undemanding and will withstand most maltreatment, except for heavy handed watering and feeding. All you need to do is check on them and give them water about twice a month…that’s it!
Crassula ovata, also known as the ‘Jade Plant’ or the ‘Money Tree’, is a succulent with a unique look that makes a fantastic houseplant. It can grow quite large if, but it is slow growing and easy to control if you want to keep it small.

Whatever you choose, don’t be afraid of houseplants. There’s plenty that are dead easy to care for, and they are well worth a little effort. And if they do take a turn for the worse, don’t feel bad, just get a new one like you would with cut flowers!
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