Purple is a huge trend in the gardening world. It was THE colour at Chelsea, and it came to the fore again at Hampton Court.

Check out my top five Hampton garden looks to try at home.

It’s such a flexible colour to have in the garden, so here are my top 5 purple plants from the show!

1 Lavender

lavender lavandula at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Floral Marquee

It’s the iconic purple plant! It was used to great effect in the One Show garden, and here on a stand in the Floral Marquee. Mixing different shades of lavender works really well.

2 Hydrangea Kardinal Violet

hyrdangea Kardinal Violet at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Floral Marquee

A stunning plant with masses of flowers. Hydrangeas work in any garden, and this one is a lovely deep purple colour.

3 Agapanthus ‘Indigo Dreams’

agapanthus ‘Indigo Dreams’ at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Floral Marquee

I love agapanthus. Did you know it means Love Flower? (Agape is Greek for love). This one is so dark it’s almost black, and will bring great height to your beds and borders.

4 Campanula lactiflora ‘Prichard’s Variety’

campanula lactiflora ‘Prichard’s Variety’ at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Floral Marquee

This is a much lighter purple shade, with lovely star-shaped flowers. It makes a really delicate addition to any garden, but also works with my woodland garden!

5 Veronica longifolia ‘Marietta’

veronica longifolia Marietta at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Floral Marquee

This is a stunning upright plant with strong purple flower spikes. It’s really effective as border edging along a path.

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