Through autumn and into winter, it may seem like our gardens are dormant and that there isn’t much to do. However, this is the time to get a head-start on next years crops, as well as keeping things ticking over and protected from frosts so they bounce back come spring.
So, here are 92 things for you to do through the last 3 months of the year…
1. Sow peas outdoors
2. Sow broad beans outdoors
3. Sow sweet peas in a cold frame or greenhouse

4. Harvest carrots
5. Harvest beetroot
6. Harvest potatoes
7. Harvest pumpkins
8. Harvest swedes
9. Harvest turnips
10. Harvest autumn cabbage

Other tasks
11. Prune blackberries
12. Plant spring-flowering bulbs
13. Take cuttings of plants that might not survive the winter outside
14. Prune blackcurrants
15. Plant up a long-lasting container

16. Order bare-root fruit trees and bushes
17. Prune roses to avoid wind rock
18. Gather leaves together to make leaf-mould
19. Continue deadheading spent flowers
20. Empty pots that aren’t frost proof and move them inside
21. Store dahlia tubers indoors
22. Prune summer-flowering jasmine
23. Apply mulch to your beds and borders
24. Clear away runner bean supports, composting any remains
25. Plant garlic cloves
26. Give plants a lift by raising pots onto bricks or ‘pot feet’
27. Plant conifer hedges
28. Compost any trimmings when tidying up your garden
29. Plant onion sets
30. Plant spring cabbages
31. Remove old tomato plants
1. Sow overwintering broad beans under cloches
2. Sow cyclamen for next year

3. Harvest cauliflowers
4. Harvest cabbages
5. Harvest kale
6. Harvest parsnips
7. Harvest carrots
8. Harvest leeks

Other tasks
9. Prune fruit bushes once dormant
10. Plant tulip bulbs (if you haven’t done so already)
11. Wash out all empty pots and trays and put them in the shed for safe storage
12. Prune deciduous trees and shrubs
13. Check tree ties are in place for support

14. Clear the guttering of greenhouses of debris
15. Prune grape vines
16. Cover spring flowering bulbs with netting or wire to protect from squirrels
17. Plant bare-root hedges
18. Repair any fences and trellises ready for winter winds
19. Start using a heater in your greenhouse if keeping tender plants over winter
20. Keep food and water replenished for wildlife
21. Prune autumn-fruiting raspberries
22. Insulate outdoor taps and pipes with foam to prevent freezing
23. Clean out bird boxes in preparation for next spring
24. Put cloches over hardy annuals
25. Plant rhubarb
26. Plant bare root roses
27. Test your soil type to help you choose the right plants
28. Wrap tender plants with fleeces
29. Clear out faded cucumber plants from the greenhouse
30. Plant garlic
1. Sow broad beans outdoors
2. Sow lamb’s lettuce indoors


Other tasks
7. Prune apple and pear trees
8. Clear out the shed and reorganise tools ready for the season ahead
9. Plant amaryllis bulbs indoors
10. Order well-rotted manure for mulching over winter
11. Prune blackcurrants

12. Cover up your plants in greenhouses with fleeces on cold nights
13. Clean your pots and seed trays to be reused
14. Bring in bulbs for indoor flowering
15. Go on snail and slug hunts and remove them from plants by hand
16. Prune climbing roses
17. Keep your houseplants watered
18. Plant deciduous shrubs
19. Keep bird feeders topped up
20. Plan your beds and order seeds for next year
21. Organise your seed packets and check the ‘sow by’ dates
22. Plant out winter salads
23. Look after festive houseplants
24. Prune blackcurrants
25. Cook a delicious Christmas feast using your homegrown veg
26. Place a ball in your pond to stop it freezing over
27. Store hoses and sprinklers indoors so they don’t freeze
28. Move your containers into a sheltered spot in a huddle for shelter
29. Recycle or plant out your Christmas tree
30. Take care to not walk on frozen lawns as it can damage the grass
31. Take a minute to appreciate your garden and all it’s provided in the past year
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