Valerian brings joy to the garden with its sweetly scented flowers that attract many different pollinating insects. It has a long history of medicinal use to treat headaches, digestive issues and nervousness. It’s said to have powerful, calming properties which help promote sleep. Therefore, making it a popular choice for people looking for natural remedies for insomnia and anxiety. The leaves can also be added to soup, stews and salads. Find out everything you need to know to grow this plant in your garden:

Plant Biography

Pink valerian plant


Valeriana officinalis


It has a number of different common names, valerian, all-heal, cat’s valerian, cut-finger, cut-heal, garden heliotrope, hardy heliotrope, Hercules’ all-heal, medicinal valerian, set-well, St George’s herb, summer heliotrope, Vandal root and herb bennet. The common name of cat’s valerian is because cats love it!

It should not be confused with another plant with the common name red valerian.  It is not a valerian at all and belongs to the genus Centranthus.


Valerian is native to Europe and certain parts of Asia.

It is believed the plant may have been named after the Roman Emperor Valerian.


Valerian has mounds of finely divided, leaves from which tall branching flower stems appear in early summer, producing rounded clusters of tiny flowers.

What type of plant is it?

This plant is an herbaceous perennial.

What colours do valerian come in?

Valerian flowers are white and blush-pink.

Pink valerian
White valerian

When does valerian flower?

Typically, you can expect to see flowers from June until August.

Where does it like to grow?

Valerian grows well in full sun and flourishes if given at least six hours of sun daily.  It loves moist, well-drained, clay or loam soil and, as a result, is often found growing near riverbanks and streams.

Where does it dislike to grow?

Avoid planting in fully shaded, exposed, dry soil locations.

Is valerian drought-tolerant?

This plant needs moist, well-drained soil to grow well and would struggle in drought conditions.

How to grow valerian successfully

Valerian in flower

This plant is an easy plant to grow if given the right growing conditions and soil. It produces pretty, rounded, clusters of white to light pink flowers from early to late summer above mounds of scented, finely divided leaves.

Also, being an herbaceous perennial it should die down over winter and regrow and flower the following year for at least five years if given the correct growing conditions.

Does valerian require supports?

If grown in the right conditions, no, it should not require staking as its loose, billowing habit is part of the plant’s charm.

Is it good for pollinators?

The scented, tiny white or pink flowers attract butterflies and bees as well as other pollinating insects. 

Butterfly on valerian

Is it good for wildlife?

The flowers are extremely nectar rich and, as a result, attract a wide variety of pollinating insects.

Valerian with insect on flower

How to choose the right valerian for your garden

There is only one type of true valerian which likes to grow in full sun, in reliably moist soil, in sheltered locations.

How big will it get

Valerian is a clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with an average spread of 30cm and an average height of 150cm.

Large valerian

How to plant valerian

Plant in nutrient rich, reliably moist soil in full sun at the same level as the plant was growing in the pot. Water in well until plant has established.

How to care for valerian

Valerian grow best in soil that remains reliably moist and so, if growing in containers, you will need to make sure the plant is regularly watered.

Valerian likes nitrogen rich soil so, if growing in containers, give it a balanced nutrient liquid feed weekly during the summer to keep the plant looking healthy and to encourage continued flowering.

Cut herbaceous perennials down to ground level in autumn and collect seed of annuals late summer when the seed heads have turned brown, ready for sowing in spring.  Alternatively scatter ripe seed heads onto damp soil in early autumn.

Does valerian spread?

It can self seed, so if you don’t want lots of seedlings around the border, simply cut back the flowered stems before the seed heads form.

How to keep it looking good

As an herbaceous perennial, it requires little or no pruning but responds well to being given a layer of mulch above it after cutting stems down to the ground in the autumn, followed by a top up mulch layer in the spring as the new shoots start to appear above soil.

For best results keep the plant well watered if planting in containers, or if planting in a border, plant in soil that stays reliably moist, but not water-logged.

Healthy valerian

Does valerian need deadheading?

Deadheading the plant as the flowers fade will promote a succession of new flowers during the summer months as well as stop the plant forming seed heads and self seeding around the borders.

Does it need pruning, and when should they be pruned?

Valerian is an herbaceous perennial and therefore does not need pruning other than cutting down flowered stems at the end of the growing season.

Flowering pink plant valerianan

Valerian is an herbaceous perennial and therefore does not need pruning other than cutting down flowered stems at the end of the growing season.

How to propagate valerian

Propagate it by dividing plants in spring or autumn, taking softwood basal cuttings and/or sowing seeds in spring.

What problems can valerian have?

Another good quality about valerian is that it is generally pest and disease-free.

Varieties of valerian to have

There is just one type of valerian, the british native, common valerian.

Common valerian
White valerian

Best time of year to buy this plant

This plant should be available in UK plant nurseries and garden centres from late spring to mid-summer.

The best garden design style for valerian

Valerian in the garden

The natural billowing shape of the plant and its ability to attract different types of pollinating insects make it the ideal choice for cottage and informal garden style gardens, as well as wildflower meadows, wildlife and coastal gardens.

It also grows well planted at the edge of a stream or pond provided the soil remains reliably moist.

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