“What’s moon gardening?” I hear you say. Gardening at night when the moon is out? Well no, not quite but some people do believe that the moon can have a positive effect on how their crops grow, in the same way that a full moon causes sea tides to rise and a waning moon tides to fall.
Moon phases
The idea is that some seeds planted during a full or new moon will grow quicker and establish better. This is because they may benefit from more water being pulled to the soil surface by the same gravity pull of the moon that causes sea tides to rise.
Crazy? Maybe, but this idea goes back more than 3,000 years to the Egyptians and Babylonians. They were said to have based their farming on a type of calendar based on the phases of the moon.

There are two main moon phases. Firstly is the time between the new moon and the full moon (waxing) and the time between the full and the new moon decreasing in size (waning).
Planting plans

The suggestion is that annual flowers, fruit and veg that crop above ground such as tomatoes, courgettes and sweetcorn, should be planted when the moon is waxing (i.e. full). Alternatively, veg that crop below ground such as carrots, potatoes and flowering bulbs, should be planted when the moon is waning.
Calendars are produced each year showing the relevant dates of each phase of the moon throughout that year, they also list what plants should be sown or harvested at relevant times.
These theories haven’t been scientifically proven but there are people who are convinced their fruit veg and flowering crops are bigger, better and healthier from having been grown following this method.
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