Tune in tomorrow on ITV1 from 09:30am to watch when I met up with James Martin for his Saturday Morning Show and discussed the power that vegetables have in boosting children’s health and wellbeing.
In support of ITV’s 2020 campaign ‘Eat Them To Defeat Them’, in association with Channel 4 and Sky, I hoped to shed some light on the outstanding benefits from eating more vegetables. It might sound simple, but many of us still struggle to work enough into our busy routines.
In particular, most parents acknowledge how tricky it can be to enthuse children to brave the bite. This worthwhile campaign turns all of that on its head and encourages kids to step up to eating veggies for the good of mankind—it’s a clever take on a time-old issue!
To help harness the goodness of vegetables, we need to first understand how vital they are to our wellbeing. In child-savvy ways, this campaign inspires kids to access superpowers through vitamin-rich vegetables; focusing on carrot, peas, broccoli, peppers, sweetcorn and tomatoes. Each week, they will focus on each one and what it has to offer. To bring that one step further, I hope to shed light on just how easy it is to grow these vegetables yourself.
Visit my blog from 16th February to discover ways to pledge for veg!
I will be offering free advice on growing, recipe ideas and uncovering the truth about the glut of goodness in store for small people who get involved with the vegetable six-week challenge.
With freebies and downloadables throughout the weeks ahead, your kids will have plenty to enjoy when it comes to vanquishing the veg!
Keep me posted with the progress of your pledge on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #vegpower #eatthemtodefeatthem and let’s take down the veggies together.

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