Bringing easy to care for houseplants into your home is a great way of benefitting from the greenery indoors while they don’t demand much in return. But, if you are looking for something a bit different to add to your interior or are thinking of making a marvellous gift for a loved one, a succulent wreath is an all-round winner.
Succulent wreaths can look sophisticated, elegant, or quirky, but one think is for sure, that making your own will make it unique.
How to make a succulent wreath

You will need:
• Wire wreath frame (round, heart-shaped, square)
• Sphagnum moss
• Scissors
• U shaped craft pins or florist’s wire

Pick your plants. From Echeveria and Aeoniums to Sedums and Pachyphytum, there are a huge array of succulents with different shapes and textures.
Begin by soaking the moss in water so it is saturated, then remove it from the water and squeeze out any excess. Then pack this moss into the wire form tightly enough so it holds shape. Or, if you have bought a pre-filled moss frame submerge the whole thing in water to saturate it.
Plan your wreath by laying down the structure and surrounding it with the succulents to create the visual display that you like.
Once you are happy with the arrangement, use the scissors to poke holes in the moss to fit each of the plants. As they are slow growing, it has a great effect if they are packed together a little so create a fuller display.

Hold each plant in place using craft pins to keep them secure. When adding in each succulent, take care not to cut into the other plants. With everything is in place, fill any little spaces with Spanish moss as a finishing touch to bring it all together.

Succulents will need plenty of light, so a spot near a sunny window is perfect. Watering is done by dipping the wreath into tepid water for a few minutes so the sphagnum moss can soak up the moisture. Water again once the moss dries out a bit because overwatering can harm the plants.
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