In the garden, plants sometimes need a helping hand to grow their best. Having plant support in place will allow crops and ornamentals to thrive. Not only do they have a practical use but they add form and structure to your space too.
Wigwams can be constructed out of bamboo canes in a triangular or square shape and fixed together at the top using twine. These are great for growing climbing beans or sweet peas.
Making your own using garden twigs or bamboo canes has a really natural look, perfect for a grow your own area. Ensure the branches or canes are a similar length, trimming down with secateurs if necessary. Then, push the canes into the soil at an equal distance from each other to create a circle shape. Gather the top of the canes together and the wigwam shape will form, and can be secured using garden twine.
For added support for the structure and for plants to climb up, feed twine round the structure, wrapping it around each branch for extra security.

Metal wires
Metal wires are a useful framework for training trees or climbing roses. They can be fitted against walls or fixed between posts to aid growing. The material means you can’t always see them too, with the focus on the wonderful tree’s foliage, flowers, and fruit instead.
The spacing and thickness of the wire will depend on the size and type of tree you are growing.
To make the wires taut, straining bolts should be used at one end to tighten them.

Trellises can be bought from the garden centre or be made. They are great for growing any climbing plant and are useful for creating division in the garden for different sections of the space. This makes them great for adding privacy to hidden nooks or seating areas.
Fit flat trellises to a wall or leave them free standing. They also tend to be easy to move, which means they don’t have to be a permanent fixture, giving you plenty of flexibility in terms of garden design.
With plenty of styles to choose from, there are wooden lattice styles, metal trellises and plastic mesh styles too.

Tree ties
Tree ties may be necessary to give support to protect from wind rock. In this case, staking a tree with single stakes or multiple posts and tying with tree ties will provide a helping hand.

Arbours, arches, pergolas
These supports tend to be used for ornamental climbers.Train fragrant climbers over them for walkways or seating areas, where they’re trained to grow and provide a wonderful aroma for relaxation. Some favourites to grow are honeysuckle, passionflowers, and climbing roses.

Also known as tripods or teepees, these can be sold in many decorative forms to add structure to the garden. These are great in borders and grow your own areas. Useful for growing runner beans, sweet peas, and clematis.
They’ll have a big impact in the garden if you use them sparsely, looking great as well as having an important purpose.

Moss poles
When it comes to houseplants, vigorous growers can sometimes need some support too. Moss poles are great for climbing houseplants because it helps them grow upwards in check rather than spreading outwards. Using this support allows you to shape your plant and can also help them to take up less floor space.
Monstera, philodendron and pothos all grow well with the support of moss poles. Although the care will differ slightly depending on the plant because the stems of philodendron are thin compared to the thick stems of Monsteras.
Use garden ties, Velcro strips or even garden twine to secure the stems into place along the moss pole. The ultimate goal is to ensure the plant is touching the moss pole, without tying them in too tightly because this can damage the stems.

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