November is a slower month on the veg patch, although there are still things to be done. From preparing new areas to grow in, to ensuring your plants are ready to be overwintered. Here are some top tips for growing your own veg in November.
Digging new beds
Now’s a good time to start preparing new growing areas as the soil will be fairly easy to work and not too wet and soggy.
If you’re making new beds from a lawned area, try to keep as much of the topsoil on the bed when removing the turf. Stack the turf in a pile grass side facing down. This will eventually rot down to give you amazing loam soil which you could reintroduce into say a raised bed.
If your soil is clay, then simply dig large chucks and leave them on the surface as the frost will break down the clumps taking away the heavy work from you.


If you haven’t done so already, harvest any remaining potatoes from the beds letting them dry out thoroughly before storing.
One way of storing is to place them in boxes amongst layers of newspaper and store in cool dark shed or garage.
Carrots and beetroots
These can be left in the ground overwinter and pulled out when needed, especially if they’ve been grown in free draining soil.
If not, lift and store in a box filled with sand as this prevents them losing moisture.


If you haven’t already done so, stake the tall stems of Brussels sprouts to stop them being pulled out of the ground during heavy winds.
Also, remove any dead or yellowing leaves as these can attract disease. Removing the leaves also allows good air flow around the plants which again is helpful for keeping diseases at bay.
Kale plants are very hardy and should keep cropping throughout winter months. Pick leaves from the bottom upwards as the stem continues to grow.
However, do not remove the top tip of the plant as this will cause the plant to stop growing.


If you missed planting garlic last month you can still do so this month especially if your soil is free draining.
If you soil is prone to waterlogging then plant the cloves in deep containers or raised beds.
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