This year at Chelsea Flower Show the autumnal hues were complemented by shades of pink, from bright pops to more subtle shades of salmon. Here are some of the top pink plants for autumn gardens…
1. Gerbera jamesonii (Barberton daisy) ‘Fundy’
These pretty pink daisy-like blooms are a perfect addition to a patio for long-lasting colour. As well as bringing a burst of colour to your containers, they make fantastic cut flowers too with their long straight stems.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Half-hardy
- Grows up to 45cm tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Exposed or sheltered

2. Dahlia hybrida (dahlia) [Dahlegria] ‘Sunrise’
The pink tones of ‘Sunrise’ will bring an air of magic to your borders or containers. Not only do the flowers bring colour but the almost black foliage delivers drama too. Keep flowers deadheaded to prolong flowering.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Hardy
- Grows up to 60cm tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Sheltered

3. Rosa (floribunda rose) ‘Natasha Richardson’
Next is a beautiful rose with pale pink flowers that have a strong fragrance. Well-suited for containers or borders, this floribunda rose can be planted from September to October. Flowers bloom from June to August and can last until autumn.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Hardy
- Grows up to 1.2m tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- Exposed or sheltered

4. Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey lily) ‘Rosa Stevenson’
In autumn, the stout stems are topped with long stamened flowers that put on a show. The long-lasting flowers are well suited to many garden styles from gravel gardens to Mediterranean style spaces.
- Flowers in autumn
- Tolerant of low temperatures but not surviving being frozen
- Grows up to 50cm
- Moist but well-drained or well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Sheltered

5. Clematis ‘Alaina’
This no-fuss clematis is a perfect in a pot or grown in the ground. Flowering all summer long and into autumn, the plump flowers bring a pop of pink. The compact habit of this clematis makes it great for small gardens as well as partially shaded spots.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Hardy
- Grows up to 1.5m tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- Sheltered or exposed

6. Allium sphaerocephalon (round-headed leek)
Alliums are a fantastic pick for any garden style. The long-stalks are topped by rounded heads with wonderful colouring that are pink-red. As well as colour, they bring plenty of texture to the planting scheme, as well as fragranced foliage.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 1m tall
- Moist but well-drained or well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Sheltered

7. Sanguisorba (burnet) ‘Blackthorn’
This herbaceous perennial has rose-pink bottlebrush flowers that last from late summer into autumn. Growing up to 1.5m tall, they look at home in cottage gardens, wildflower meadows and prairie planting for a low maintenance addition.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 1.5m tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- Exposed or sheltered

8. Camellia [1001 Summer Nights] ‘Jasmine’
The compact habit of this camellia makes is a fine container plant to bring colour to your patio or balcony garden with blooms that flower continuously for 5 months! Also, it’s an evergreen so will provide colour and structure all year round with its dark, glossy foliage. They like acidic soil, so ensure you choose a suitable ericaceous compost, like Miracle-Gro® Premium Azalea, Camellia & Rhododendron Ericaceous Compost.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 2m tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- Exposed or sheltered

9. Anemone hybrida (Japanese anemone) [Fall in Love] ‘Sweetly’
This perennial is a wonderful addition to the autumn garden. The semi-double pink blooms are borne against dark green foliage, making a lovely display. Attractive to butterflies, they are well suited to wildlife and woodland gardens.
- Flowers in autumn
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 70cm tall
- Moist but well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Exposed or sheltered

10. Tillandsia cyanea (pink quill)
Last is a great choice for your indoor garden. The pink quill will add vibrancy to your home with the bright pink quill that rises above the strap-shaped leaves. This bromeliad is monocarpic meaning it dies once it reaches maturity. But, you can pot up the pups that grow so they can thrive on their own.
- Flowers in spring or autumn
- Tender (indoor only)
- Grows up to 30cm tall
- Good potting compost
- Bright but indirect light

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