With winter fading into spring, there are a vast choice of colourful plants you can add to your garden, bringing some brightness to your month.

These plants are bound to cheer up your pots and borders as we step closer to spring.

1. Camellia ‘Anticipation’

These showy pink flowers will bloom best in acidic soil, so can be grown in containers with ericaceous soil if your garden is alkaline. ‘Anticipation’ is a hardy flower that should be positioned in a sheltered spot.

2. Witch hazel

Witch Hazel

The fiery yellow, orange and red spider-like flowers need well-drained, neutral to acid soil. If your garden is alkaline, they will happily grow in containers in sun or partial shade. At full growth they reach 2.5-5m in height and spread.

3. Cyclamen coum

Eastern cyclamen are perfectly situated under trees or in a shady border. The pink and magenta flowers grow to 5-12cm tall, adding some bright colour to your winter garden. Fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil is needed for these to flourish.

4. Daphne

Daphne bholua are low maintenance and hardy, but should be planted in well-drained, moisture retentive soil in sun or partial shade. Best positioned near paths and doorways to make the most of the intense fragrance.

5. Aconites

Winter aconites prefer rich, moist soil, tolerating any soil type but growing best in alkaline conditions. These lovely yellow flowers like full sun or partial shade and are suited to growing underneath deciduous trees and shrubs.

6. Helleborus

The cup shaped flowers can be found in white, yellow, pink to deep purple, and are ideally positioned in partial shade. However, they are fully hardy and can tolerate full sun as long as the soil is not prone to drying out.

7. Daffodils

Daffodil flowers

These easy to grow bulbs are ideal in containers, borders and naturalised grass. They prefer moist but well-drained soil in a sunny spot, usually growing as tall as 30-45cm. Daffodils make a big impact in clusters.

8. Crocus

A sign that winter is fading, and spring is coming, these goblet-shaped ‘Vanguards’ look brilliant at the front of a border. They require well-drained soil and a sunny spot where they will grow up to 10cm in height.

9. Prunus autumnalis rosea

Prunus autumnalis rosea

Winter-flowering cherry ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ is a shrub with stunning pale pink colours. This ornamental cherry tree can be grown in any moist but well-drained soil in full sun.

10. Viburnum tinus

These low maintenance shrubs can thrive in full sun or shade, preferring moist, well-drained soil. The delicate clusters of white and pink flowers are accompanied by a soft scent.

As we edge closer to spring and the mornings get a little lighter, these cheery flowers will be an uplifting addition to your garden.

For more winter info, check out my guide to frost prediction here:

Or check out my Pinterest board for more ideas: