If you haven’t already, get your radishes going. They’re a good all-rounder for healthy vitamins and minerals. From powerful potassium, to muscle relaxing magnesium, they contain an abundance of antioxidants. These help keep your cells fit and fighting against the damaging effects of free radicals. What’s most impressive is the amount of fibre these little veggies can harbour.
To keep immunity boosted you only need half a cup of radishes to give you 1 gram of fibre. So just a few servings added to your meals can easily add up to your daily fibre intake, helping to control blood sugar levels.
Radical Radish
Tried and tasted

A root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family, radishes have been pleasing our palates since pre- Roman times. And now there are a wide range of varieties to choose from for your preferred taste.
‘Lucia’ variety has a superb tangy flavour, whereas long radish ‘Nelson’ is mild tasting.
Simple and quick to grow they make for a great low-calorie snack. As they are mostly consumed raw—just one cup (220g) contains only 19 calories. If you want a snack opt for a cup of raw radishes and hummus to munch on.
The ‘French Breakfast’ variety are the more commonly used as a fresh crunchy addition in salads. They hold a strong peppery taste and are easy to incorporate as they require very little room when growing.
Know how to grow

When it comes to sowing, regularly does it. A small scattering ensures a healthy and steady growth. They can be sown in several ways. You can sow straight in the ground, in containers or growbags. Remember to sprinkle the seeds sparingly. Plant them 1cm deep and 2.5cm (1 inch) apart in moist soil from Feb to August.
They are best planted in cooler conditions as this improves the quality of growth and enhances their natural flavours. When the weather is warmer, make sure to water regularly and prevent their roots from splitting.
Add mulch to help retain soil moisture. Radishes are great companion plants alongside cucumbers or peppers. They will deter cucumber beetles that diseases from one plant to another. And they can even be planted as a catch crop to slow-growing veggies because they’re quick to crop.
For an extra immunity boost, consume the leaves for a super source of vitamin C, more than double the amount of the radish itself!
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